
MUSSER: ARCHITECTS, INC. assists Owners of existing properties, both residential and non-residential, by providing advice and designs which improve the value of their asset through renewal of structural, functional, and aesthetic details. One level of service is to provide the Owner who desires an image upgrade for their property with design for a simple façade improvement, coupled with attention to building details which may or may not be performing well. The façade improvement effort may require us to work with the existing exterior material palate, or may involve the change of one or more of the exterior materials and modification of the surface details. Add in upgraded landscaping along with new paint colors, and the freshened image of the total property can be quite dramatic, while at the same time providing a more financially sustainable project. For Owners of residential properties, this exterior renovation work is often combined with dwelling unit interior upgrades, including new cabinets, plumbing fixtures, and appliances. A more extensive scope of work may also include the addition of amenities such as pools, spas, play grounds, exercise rooms, community spaces, and new leasing facilities. This work can occur within existing buildings which are remodeled, or may involve the construction of completely new structures placed within the site. This latter type of improvement requires close coordination with the controlling municipal agencies to obtain the necessary planning and building approvals. All of our projects are designed to provide the Owner with an economically sustainable finished product that at the same time fulfills their desire for a pleasing aesthetic upgrade to their property.

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